Airlec Specialty Services
Airlec Specialty is your go-to provider for all engineering and aviation related matters – regardless of your aircraft type.
Service is key and Airlec Specialty only offers top-notch service. With experience in maintaining a broad range of Aircraft types as well as extensive experience in operations Airlec is able to meet and exceed our client’s fleet engineering needs worldwide. High quality and thoroughness comfortable from our home base in Bordeaux, France.
“Aircraft Maintenance and Aviation Consulting & Training are highly specialized fields which require extensive experience and skills. Airlec’s technical team has been with the company for decades and offers the exact skillset needed to maintain our client’s fleet and support their development with tailor-made training and consulting offers.”
Paul Tiba, Managing Director
Airlec listens to your requirements and is ready to fully satisfy your needs of modifications and repairs.
EASA Approved STC modifications:
Single pilot on Citation C500/C550
Air Ambulance Merlin IIIB
Avionic retrofit
Audits and Consulting
Implementation of integrated management system (Compliance and Safety)
Aircraft documentation (OM, etc.)
Maintenance Programme Development
Airworthiness Track your devices
We are distributors of several avionic brands.
CRM (Crew Resource Management)
Airlec offers flexible training programmes – Trainings can be adapted to your needs.